Upper Lillooet & Big Silver Creek Hydro

Project Description
Roe served as the Independent Environmental Monitor (IEM) for the Upper Lillooet, Tretheway Creek, and Big Silver Hydro Projects. Additionally, Roe served as the IEM for the Upper Stave Hydro Project, completed in 2014. These projects collectively generate 225.8 MW of power and are located in the Harrison, Lillooet, and Stave River watersheds. Project components include the installation of approximately 110km of new transmission line. The projects involve the installation of intake and powerhouse structures, buried penstocks, tunnels (drill, blast, and clear), and ancillary generating components. The projects under construction connect to existing substations at Kwalsa, and Rutherford Creek.

Our Role
Services Provided: Roe served as the IEM on Upper Lillooet, Big Silver, Tretheway, and Upper Stave Projects, and as the Owner’s representative for the Kwoiek Creek Project. Our roles included:

  • Reviewing and collaborating on the development of Project CEMPs and EPPs

  • Auditing Project CEMP compliance

  • Providing weekly monitoring reports

  • Conducting weekly surface water sampling

  • Providing construction monitoring for sensitive works (e.g., river diversions, installations/removals of temporary dams, blasting operations, concrete works, clearing works, etc.)

  • Conducting fish and amphibian salvages

  • Conducting songbird and mammal surveys

  • Providing insight to the contractor and proponent for sensitive works

  • Acting as agency representatives

  • Reviewing and approving contractor work plans

  • Liaising with proponents, governments, and First Nations

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc

Location / Region
Pemberton, Harrison, Mission, Tepella,
Boston Bar, all in British Columbia

2011– 2017

Independent Environmental Monitor (IEM)


Trans Mountain Expansion


Columbia Containers Foreshore Expansion