Trans Mountain Expansion
Project Description
Mainline Block Valves for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project will be constructed at strategically selected locations to shut off bitumen flow, and isolate a section of the new pipeline in case of a suspected or confirmed spill. KWPE is responsible for the design and building of the electrical infrastructure required to power each one of the 26 block valves projected within the British Columbia section of the new pipeline route. As each electrical distribution line alignment generally extends beyond the new pipeline right-of-way, additional environmental assessment and permitting were required.
Our Role
Roe was responsible for the following:
Field assessment of valuable ecosystem components.
Review of at-risk species and ecosystems potentially present within the proposed footprints.
Drafting of environmental alignment sheets that identify the locations of valuable ecosystems.
Resource-specific mitigation measures to protect identified and potential valuable ecosystem components.
Coordination with Trans Mountain environmental permitting group.
Construction Environmental Management and Protection Plan.
Kiewit – Western Pacific Enterprises (KWPE)
Location / Region
BC Lower Mainland
2020 – Present
Environmental Monitor (EM)
Transmission Line (TxL)
Environmental Overview Assessment (EOA)
Water Quality
Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP)
First Nations Partnership
Skemtsin Environmental Inc.
Environmental Work Plan (EWP) Review