Rodgers Creek—Mountain Path

Project Description
Roe Environmental has served as an environmental consultant for the British Pacific Properties with the Rodgers Creek Community Development, a 215-acre privately held hillside development in West Vancouver. Our duties include erosion and sediment control planning and compliance monitoring, liaison with municipal planners, Provincial and Federal regulatory agencies for permitting, and compliance with terrestrial and aquatic biology. These lands include municipal infrastructure development such as roads, watercourse crossing, utilities, and public amenities encompassing transportation, pathways, and park dedications.

Liaison with District of West Vancouver (DWV), West Van Streamkeepers (WVSK), DFO, Contractor (North Construction), Owner (BPP), Landscape Architect (PWL), and Design Engineer (InterCAD Services).

British Pacific Properties

Location / Region
West Vancouver

2011 – Present

Environmental Monitor (EM)
Water Sustainability Act (WSA) Approval
WSA Notification of Authorized Changes
Water Sustainability Regulation
Water Quality
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Regulatory Liaison
Spill Reporting Regulation
Spill Contingency and Response
Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC)
Environmental Incident Reporting (EIR)
Phased Development Agreement (PDA)
Environmental Overview Assessment (EOA)


Narrows Inlet Hydroelectric


Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel